Sam Smith Falls victim to vicious online trolls only 30 days everyone was asking others to Be kind to each other..

I am not by all means calling this country hypocrites but they are. We lost Caroline Flack who sadly took her own life and everyone proceeded to go on every social media platform to state be kind to one an other only for it to be forgotten about.

You can't tell people to be kind one moment then the next disrespect the Sam smith by advising him to kill himself the next. The joke within and around this is that it stemmed from Sam Smith posting a video of himself crying because he can not handle isolation in his mansion (I know it's escalated since then but then main source stemmed from that said video) I mean really? Yes its a mansion so technically
he could have a music studio somewhere in his home and just make music. But you're missing the main point to why he posted that wasn't to be like check out my home it was a guy simply stating it's hard on his mental health.
You can be a billionaire but if you suffer with mental health you can pay for the best health care in the world it would not cure it. Mental health does not have no discrimination does not care if you're white black, male, female etc.

That being said do I believe he could had gotten a better response if he was to had done a video without the tears? who is that for me to judge?
It didn't affect my life one bit the fact he posted a crying video of himself.

I am not writing this because I am a huge fan of sam smith, I am writing this because you can't dictate on who's mental health matters and who's doesn't. You can't preach and tell people to be kind to each other go on twitter to do the complete opposite.

If you don't believe me just read some of the stuff on twitter.

I think everyone needs to take a time out and just be kind. It's not that hard. Why they all felt the need to write about Sam Smith is beyond me,  but wise words my grandma would always say is if you don'y have anything nice to say don't say nothing at all.

This has to stop before more and more are affected by the hurtful comments I don't just mean with Sam smith I mean with everyone. It has to change, we as people need to do better.

Peace X 

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