Don't Allow them to Tear Us Apart..

Yesterday the world fell victim to the news of the defecation that happened in Manchester England, At 10.30pm following a sold-out show in the 21,000-capacity Manchester Arena, thousands of fans began to gather up their belongings and filter slowly out of four exits. For some it sounded muffled and far away, as though somewhere in the distance a big balloon had popped. For others the terror was all too immediately apparent.

To what seemed an innocent and beautiful family evening turned into a family evening most would be yearning to forget. From numerous people stated that the show was flawless. She finished her original set list and was coming back out to do an encore with additional music. Once finished the encore Ariana blew a kiss to the audience to sign off her night in what she felt was a remarkable moment, however in seconds of that happening the lights had just come on and Ariana Grande had left the stage after concluding an elaborate three-hour, four-part entertainment extravaganza with an encore performance of her latest single, Dangerous Woman.

 This is the first picture of one of the concert-goers killed in a suicide bomb attack at an Ariana Grande show in Manchester.
Ariana Grande super fan Georgina Callander, 18, was one of the 22 people killed along with the attacker who set off an explosive device at the end of the concert in Manchester Arena.
Friends today said she was one of the first people rushed to hospital after the attack.
The teenager, from Tarleton in Lancashire, died with her mother at her bedside in hospital, according to a close friend. I didn't know this little ray of sunshine but what I can see on social media is that she was just a bundle of joy. Everyone including known YouTube personalities and celebrities had nothing but lovely things to say about her.

  In this traumatic ordeal the last thing each and everyone needs is pointing things to what region or who's race this was that done this. The city of Manchester was absolutely incredible the way they came together and helped everyone in need. From regards to giving away free transport to putting up people in a hotel for the night to those that couldn't travel home. Furthermore I would like to take this time out to state this as I've seen on social media (Can't confirm if it's true or not) but Isis came forward to took responsibility for this attack. If you believe this attack was a Muslim fuelled attack you're an idiot, it was an idiot with a bomb that's all you can refer to him as. An idiot with a bomb that took the life’s of innocent people. Whatever this person may reflect him as whether it being a Christian, Muslim etc. he was neither of those things. Terrorism has no race or Religion.

Yesterday Evening, Ours hearts was broken. Words cannot express our sorrow for the victims and families harmed in this senseless attack. We mourn the lives of children and loved ones taken by this cowardly act. We are thankful for the selfless service Yesterday evening of Manchester's First Responders who rushed towards danger to victims, their families and all those affected in your hearts and prayers.

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