A Sit down with a rising new talent, Paige Mack is this months rising star prospect.

Firstly, for our reader’s sake could you provide us a bit of background information about yourself and what it is exactly that you do? 

My Name’s Paige Mackenzie, I’m 22 and I’m from Hull in East Yorkshire but currently living in Liverpool. I’m in my third year of uni and I host an open mic every Friday at the scholar in Liverpool.

What made you want to pursue a career within the music Industry?

Good question… I don’t think I do want a career in the music industry to be honest. It’s just a hobby for me at the moment. Although if it happens it happens.

Who inspires you in to create the music you create?

I like underground singer/ songwriters. I think mainly because they’re relatable and I like to think my music is relatable too. Orla Gartland is an irish singer/ songwriter who inspires me a lot because she’s so passionate and has all these crazy facial expressions that I absolutely love because its not like she’s trying to be someone she’s not, she doesn’t give off the impression that she cares what she looks like when she’s performing. She’s just telling you a story and really feeling it too and I think that’s beautiful. 

With all the musicians worldwide, who would you like to create music with?

Orla Gartland. For all of the above reasons, I think we’d make some really interesting music. Also, Nina Nesbitt, she’s another one who inspires me actually. When I first heard her it was just her and her guitar but now she’s gone more into pop and her voice is unreal.

If you had a movie based around your life what movie star would you like to play you?

I’d like to say Angelina Jolie but in all honesty it’d have to be someone like Jack Black.

What’s been your biggest achievement to date?

I did an internship in Malta for 2 months earlier this year, had to fly there and back
by myself and it’s the most adult I’ve ever felt.

Quick fire questions

What is your full name?
Paige Hortensia Mackenzie
Books or Dvds? 
A Party or a night in? 
Night in.
X Factor or the voice? 
X Factor
Ps4 or Xbox one? 
Ps4… 🤷🏻‍♂️

What would you say makes you stand out by the other artists that are currently established at the moment?

Absolutely nothing. Hahaha nah I have a song about a dead hamster, it’s an absolute banger. It’s not recorded so you’ll have to come to a gig if you wanna hear it but I think writing humorous songs makes me a wee bit different from established artists.

When did you first discover a major passion for music?

Haven’t got the foggiest. I’ve just always liked making noises I suppose

What can we expect to see/hear from you within the next 12 months?

Honestly I’m probably the worst person for this interview cos I’m not really sure what I’m doing with myself atm. I’m always trying to write new stuff and I suppose when I’m happy with what I write I’ll record it but that could be tomorrow or it could be in 20 years so don’t wait up for me lol.

Favourite colour? 
Favourite sport to play & watch?
Ooh I like watching gymnasts, they’re incredible but I don’t really do sport. More of a full tub of ice-cream & netflix kinda gal.
Favourite place on earth? 
Any really blue sea. I live for going to the beach on holiday, it’s my happy place.
What’s your favourite meal?
Anything from the Chinese.
If we got matching tattoos, what we get
A little love heart with our initials in it <3
What’s your favourite insult?
“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”
Biggest Celebrity crush? 
Richard Madden! Wow he is so beautiful. And Scottish.

 Who would you say is your favourite producer? Britney Spears for sure… lol honestly I don't know. If you had the chance to live in a celebrities shoes for a day who would it be and why? Kylie Jenner! She’s just so beautiful and rich and I’d have so much fun being her.

If you had the chance to relive one moment again what would it be and why?

I’d relive my college days. (2014-2016) I had an amazing group of friends and the music community in Hull at that time was incredible! We were like a little family, I miss them days.  

Thanks for your time Paige It’s been a pleasure speaking with you today, I wish nothing but success ahead

Thank you!


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