Caroline Pearce's Health & Fitness Interview
Caroline Pearce Health And Fitness
Interviewed by LiamPaddy
What made you want to create a Fitness Video?
It's something I've always wanted to do, ever since I entered the fitness industry 10 years ago, and I was especially inspired to do so after filming 'Gladiators'. So many people wanted to know how I trained to stay in shape. I've been using my tried and tested rotation system for years with fantastic results and I wanted to share it with those who want to get fit and get a great looking body without spending hours in the gym! A fitness video is the perfect way to get fit at home when you have a quick 20-minutes to spare.
What's the main important thing to gaining the ideal summer body?
Firstly, 'consistency'. Working out regularly and eating healthily 'most' of the time. Shortcuts just don't work! Take action with exercise and healthy food choices you can stick to long term. Secondly, 'intensity'. High-intensity circuit training workouts in my DVD will get your metabolism fired up and have you burning calories hours after you've finished the workout. The design of the circuits makes your body have to work harder in recovery compared to steady state aerobic exercise such as running. Intensity is, therefore, a more time-saving and efficient way to get fit.
What Target Audience are you trying to reach out for exactly?
Mostly women as I specifically target the female problem areas - inner thigh, triceps (bingo wings) and obliques (love handles!) using high repetitions and light weights for optimal body definition. But men can most certainly benefit too as the workouts are designed to be challenging and can be performed with light or heavy weights. My circuits are also suited to any age, ability and fitness level as there are 3 workouts, each with increasing degrees of difficulty, so you can work at your own pace and progress as you get fitter. And within each section I suggest modifications for those who need a more simple movement.
What inspired you to creating this fitness video?
The excitement to share exercises I've been using since my time as an International athlete, to help and motivate more people than I can just through one to one training or events. I also wanted to take on a challenge myself - to create an awesome workout DVD that I can be proud of and that gets results and helps everyone feel better about themselves.
How intense would you say this fitness video is on a scale of 1-10?
is there a specific reason you would rate that?
There are 3 different programmes in my DVD and each has an increasing level of intensity. Workout 1 = 6; Workout 2 = 8; Workout 3 =10. But I do advise modifications to the exercises within each circuit to make them easier if necessary. This is a DVD for those serious about getting an awesome body so I do push you to give it you're all. However, my rotation training system means you alternate body parts from one exercise to the next so some muscles can rest whilst challenging the others. There is a science behind the exercise choices, order and progressions that make it work!
What style of workout would you say this is?
Circuit Training - High intensity with cardio intervals. You'll perform classic exercises such as squats, triceps dips and ab crunches, plus. some of my more unique moves that engage all your muscles at once. My secret ingredient is the fast cardio blasts between circuits to elevate your heart rate and scorch fat! And all that's needed is your bodyweight and a set of dumbbells.
How successful would you say this workout is to gaining your ideal body that you want for summer?
Massively successful! It targets every body part you want a trim and toned for summer and burns fat fast. Each workout is only 20-minutes long, but you maximise every second of that time. I advise you perform your chosen routine from the DVD at least 3 times per week to see results. What's even more inspiring is that I filmed each rotation circuit on the beach so you are in beach body mode with every workout!
When would this specific Fitness DVD be available to purchase?
Out now!
Where could you purchase it from?
What body parts are you mostly focusing on within this fitness video?
Every body part - no area is left untouched! Though I do hone in on those problematic areas of the inner thigh, triceps and obliques (side abdominals) which can be stubborn to shape up if not targeted correctly.
What are you hoping to achieve from this fitness DVD?
To inspire women (and men) of any age and ability to get fit, lasting results and have fun doing it, and most importantly to feel great about themselves. I want them to follow me as their mentor and coach and look out for what else I can offer them...there will be more fitness DVDs, plus my book and online and event support very soon!
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