Elisa Do Brasil - Interview

Name: Elisa Do Brasil 
Occupation: DJ 
Interviewed By LiamPaddy

 Firstly tell me some background information about yourself for our readers to learn more about you what it is that you do?

I'm a French DnB DJ born in Brazil.
I started in illegal rave parties with a sound system called ‘troubles fête’, we used to do big raves.
In 1999, I played at a festival called Astrophile's, one of the early French electro-rave festivals; that was my first gig ever apart from our raves.
I also became resident DJ and promoter of the MASSIVE parties at Rex Club. That was one of the major DnB nights in Paris at the time. I've done that for 12 years and decided to stop to spend more time in the studio and with my kids.
In the meantime, I've been doing all the festivals, concert venues, raves, clubs in France and travelled in a few countries.

I released 2 mix CDs called Massive, one of them was also a DVD filmed at Rex Club during one of the Massive parties. Apparently the CDs were very influential for a lot of people that still listen to them more than 10 years later.

I released 
- My first album in 2009, First Stroke [X-Ray Production]
- A track on my favourite UK label, Viper, “Infatuation” on Drum & Bass Summer Slammers 2011
- My second album Rolling the Dice in 2012.

When did you first discover a passion for Drum & Bass music? 

I discovered jungle in 1996. At the time I was in high school, so under 18.
I hated all kinds of electronic music.
My best friend Pauline forced me one night to go to Rex Club where there was a jungle party, Gilbert’s party who was at the time a French jungle DJ (he is now a house DJ).
That was a revelation for me, I didn't leave the dancefloor.
One of the security guys finally realised we were not 18 so we could never go back there, each time we tried he would recognise us. 
So I started getting involved in illegal raves, trying to play my DnB, which was really hard with the crew.
I came back to Rex Club 3 years after as a resident. Kind of wicked :)

Your music is incredible. Off your latest album 'Rolling the dice' what was your favourite single? 

“Infatuation” ‘cause it means a lot to me, ‘cause it was released on my favourite label (Viper) before being released as part of the album and ‘cause the track really looks like me and like the music I've been playing since ever.
Miss Trouble, my MC partner sings on it, it's our track; people really get crazy when we play it.

Would you ever go on tour to the UK? 

I, unfortunately, haven’t played in the UK yet…
I'm more than up for it though ... Would you take me touring there? hahaha

What inspires you to create the music you create? 

Whatever happens in my life inspires me. Rolling the Dice tells the story of two years of my life.

What artist from the UK Music industry would you love to create music with? 

A lot of them.
I'm a big fan of the Viper and Hospital crews, the Funkatech crew I've been working within Rolling the Dice. I also love grime so would love to make music featuring them, we recently had P Money in our parties, would love to collaborate on a track with him in my next album... P if you read this ... :)

 What made you want to pursue a career in music? 

It's not as if I had a choice... :)
I started touring and promoting parties when I was still in high school and university. It simply came to me.
I quit university ‘cause I was into that, it's simply my life and my passion, I don't know anything else.

 How would you describe yourself to being different from other artists that are out there at the moment? 

I'm simply passionate. It's my life, my music tells about myself, the good and the bad.

 How did you get to where you are today musically?

I was very lucky in the beginning then I started working hard.
It's a long road, made of doubts, fears, deceptions and happy moments. I keep believing and working when things are not so easy anymore, enjoy the good times, try to keep on having a vision of the future, have a team around me. I travel in different musical horizons.

 What's been your biggest achievement regarding your music career? 

I would say Massive at Rex Club, 12 years of DnB parties.
And my two albums.
I’ve created a beautiful live show that I'm very proud of too.

Where do you see your career within the next 12 months? & What have you got upcoming in the pipeline? 

Things will get more serious because I'm working hard. I have a few gigs abroad and I hope more will come.
I'm working on my third album, which should be ready after summer and released a few months after that.
I have a beautiful show with Miss Trouble, something I've been working on for the past 2 years, with a beautiful stage decor made by my friend Kroll and a student called Floy, as well as a wicked light engineer, Romain Vieillard. The show is amazing and will be even better once the album is ready.
I'm also working with a surf brand, O’Neill; surf and music are important to me.
And I have a project with a high school, teaching the kids how to promote, and listening to music together.

 What advice would you give to someone trying to break into the music industry? 

Keep on working, it's hard, you have amazing times and horrible ones. Just keep on believing, never give up if it's the life you chose. And keep real :)

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